Elite: Dangerous Gets a Leonard Nimoy Memorial Spacestation

Elite: Dangerous has released its own memorial to Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy.

As documented by a user on , the memorial features a planet, named Vulcan, and a specially-designed Leonard Nimoy spacestation.

The memorial comes after the of Nimoy, aged 83, on February 27, 2015. According to Nimoy’s wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, the cause of death was end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Elite: Dangerous isn’t the first video game to salute the man who entertained generations. Star Trek Online developer Cryptic Studios aimed to immortalise Nimoy.

Of course, it’s not just video games . Co-star William Shatner said "I loved him like a brother. We will all miss his humor, his talent, and his capacity to love.” Sir Patrick Stewart tweeted “It is with sadness that I heard of Leonard Nimoy's death. I was lucky to spend many happy, inspiring hours with him. He won't be forgotten.” Even Barack Obama had some kind words, saying "Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy."

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