Party chat, achievement notifications, and more being improved.

Microsoft has detailed the next system update, which brings with it some minor, but much appreciated new features.

The April system update is being distributed to members first, as usual, but it'll be coming in two parts. The first of these should now be in the hands of testers, and consists of three features, as detailed by .

With the update installed, achievement notifications will include more than just the name of the achievement you've unlocked. You'll be able to see the description for the achievement, sparing you the effort of having to open the achievements app in order to see exactly what it is you just accomplished. Should you want to still open the achievements app, it should now open more quickly when launched from a notification.

Party chat has been improved and will now help to identify what problem may be preventing you from chatting with other users. It will do this by informing you of networking issues or privacy settings that are getting in the way of being able to chat, as well as by identifying other problems--such as your Kinect's chat being disabled, as shown in the image above.

Finally, are being made more easily accessible from the activity feed. You'll be linked to a game's hub from posts involving that game, including achievements, video clips, and screenshots.

Details on the features coming in the second part of the April update's preview will be announced next week.

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