Star Wars' Greedo is Now a Fish

Star Wars' Greedo has been a fish.

"I think it was the whole package that evoked Greedo, but particularly the eyes and the underslung mouth," Jonathan Armbruster, biological sciences professor and curator of fishes for the Auburn University Museum of Natural History told

via CNN

Discovered in 1998 in Brazil, Armbruster obtained the Peckoltia greedoi in 2005. He initially thought they were an existing species - Peckoltia vittata - but the designation didn't sit well with him. After a re-examination last September, he realized they were a different species - one that reminded him of a certain bounty hunter.

"As a 7-year-old kid, I watched Star Wars in the theater and it was a life-changing experience for me," said Armbruster. "I became a lifelong fan, and I now share that with my son. Greedo has always been a personal favorite of mine."

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