A Holiday Game Buyer's Guide for Parents


Back in the early days of games, buying a video game for your child is a simple case: You can take any game on the shelf, because every game was made for children. As the children grew, however, so did the games. A once dominated by games for children industry is now dominated by mature themes such as violence, sex and violence. Knowing the games your child asks for this holiday season will help you make wise choices, but knowing some good alternatives will help you go a little further: Being a legal parent.

Image courtesy of Joshua PhillipsImage courtesy of Joshua Phillips(Joshua Phillips)


Grand Theft Auto V

Sex, drugs and rock and roll: Since the 1960s, parents have fought this three-headed monster in one way or another. While the perpetrators of the 1960s were the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, the Grand Theft Auto current age is the new face of the beast. The last entry in the series, "Grand Theft Auto V", up to the legacy of the series and beyond by calling graphic imagery to 11 in the scene "by the book". This particularly hideous scene, you control psychopath Trevor Philips because it uses torture methods such as electric shock, waterboarding to extract information from a captive prisoner.

It's just the scene that was fit to print, keep in mind.

If you are looking for something dark, but a little more familiar, "Lego Batman 3" provides the experience of Grand Theft Auto without images that can turn little Johnny in a crazy killer.Image courtesy of Rockstar GamesImage courtesy of Rockstar Games(Rockstar Games)

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

There is an old saying that any parent will be familiar with: ". What's old is new again" You see it in shape, with styles "retro" of his youth as jeans eph legs are now becoming the new "in", and entertainment, where the movies that you grew up with are undermined by remakes. The fantasy genre is no different, with Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", first published in 1954 and 1955, is experiencing a new wave of popularity thanks to movies and video games. The last of these games, "Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor," is much more familiar cinematic adventures of Frodo and company; here retaliation will fight wave after wave of orcs in bloody combat, visceral, or engaging in practices such as "[cut]" throat, and [] beheading enemies heads creatures, "according to the ESRB. The action is fast, frantic and horrible: This is certainly a Lord of the Rings story for the older crowd. These parents seeking a friendly alternative should check "LEGO The Hobbit," a story of the adventures of Bilbo in comic form, basic brick. It is a perfect companion gift for any child who is happy with LEGO blocks and a few sets Hobbit hers.

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Prepared for the next big thing in the multiplayer space, your child may believe that it is their destiny to play this awesome game. At first glance, it may be right, the game looks very good in terms of content: Combat is largely against exotic species, violence and gore is mitigated to a minimum and history? Well, the story is absurd, to say it nicely, and it is doubtful that your child (or another player) will understand completely. There is, however, a red flag that many parents may not even realize is present in the game.

Just multiplayer online.

The game is similar to other online games like "World of Warcraft" in which your child will not only play online with friends, but foreigners as they try to win extraterrestrial life across the galaxy. Although online communication is poor in this game (it's mostly hand gestures, etc.), there is a great possibility that you will not be at ease knowing that a large group of foreigners is around your child. The same goes for "Titanfall," one of the largest for an exclusive Xbox which happens to be just online multiplayer. Consider "Halo: The Master Chief collection" for Xbox One as an alternative if the thought of your child is sick in line. Made by the creators of "Destination", Bungie, you will have four solo games for the price of one; Not only are you an amazing father, but your wallet gets a break since you will not need to buy your children new games soon.

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Assassin's Creed Unity

Children are complex small creatures. It is likely that you were persuaded to buy "the unity of the Assassin's Creed" the latest game "Assassin's Creed" franchise, thanks to what is said, "Mom, it is based on the story Father, help me to learn about important historical events! "While this is partially true and a lot of" Assassin's Creed "is rooted in history, historians are convinced that Machiavelli was not really a killer, or killers help turn the tide in the Revolutionary War. Whether your child n has probably not said you that the game is extremely violent, with great emphasis on defeating enemies calmer way with a dagger in the skull here and calm shanking. In Assassins Creed Unity, you can also add sexual comments "" and "some sexual material," according to the ESRB, with the list of precautions that can cancel your child's adventure on the murder before it even begins. For an alternative, go to "Sonic Boom", the latest revision of the classic Sonic the Hedgehog game mascot. It has the same platform style game "Assassin's Creed Unity," less murders and with a dose of the carefree mood. For PlayStation users, "LittleBigPlanet 3" all that and the ability to create your own levels, leaving his son to show your creative side.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition

As a parent, you know that money does not grow on trees and that video games are expensive. You know the best for your money is long, sprawling adventure that your children do not end up in a weekend, so when you hear that "Dragon Age: Inquisition" has over 100 hours of content, you are immediately reach your wallet. Unfortunately, this 100 hours comes with a catch, as the game is loaded with violence, sex and political issues. Some choice quotes ESRB reveal such obscene dialogue like "I'm going to get sexual pleasure later to think about it with great respect," which may not be the kind of thing you want to expose your child, depending on their age. However, you can still play full to bursting with content, so consider "Kingdom Hearts Remix 2.5" for the PlayStation 3. There is a story that appeals to all ages with Disney characters intersect with fantastic characters Place of Enix Final Fantasy series.

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WWE 2k15

You know what to expect here just based on the name alone: the struggle, and lots of it. How do you think of this game reflects how you feel about the content of the WWE in general. If you have any problems with his son watching men claw sweat and fight among themselves for a few hours each week, the game is a bit more of the same in terms of action, the themes and dialogue. If you are a parent who is resolutely against WWE programming, then you've probably already made up your mind about this game Unfortunately, there is no real alternative to "WWE 2K15."; This is almost the only wrestling game in the city these days If you have the choice of buying this game for the current generation of more state of the art systems, opt for the four versions of Xbox and PlayStation;. these versions include additional content for the same price.

Image courtesy of 2K SportsImage courtesy of 2K Sports(2K Games)

Advanced Warfare

Three things in life are sure to happen every year, for sure: birthdays, taxes and a new game Call of Duty. Like a clock 2014 saw the release of "Call of Duty: Advanced War," and even if you have no interest in video games that is hard to miss. Displays were set up in front of large retail chains, posters were hung in every corner of your local video game store. You can bet that your child has heard of the game. This means that it has already started to bother him then. What can you expect from "Call of Duty: Advanced War"? You will have a solo story as a "popcorn movie" of the summer, which is equivalent to political, explosions, shots, more explosions and possibly shot. If you agree to let your child watch any recent Michael Bay film, such as transformers or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the single player campaign of the recent Call of Duty is on par with those in terms of action, language and theme.

However, as the "Destination", "Call of Duty: Advanced War" has a dark side: multiplayer online games.

In the multiplayer modes, the biggest problem you will encounter is unruly players, completely wild. Racist and homophobic insults are the norm, and even more purehearted child leave an online game with a consistent vocabulary with stereotypical sailor shore leave. How do you stop a child from trying? Buy him a game without a competitive online component, such as "Borderlands. The Pre-Sequel" The solo content is the same and the only aspect in cooperative online. As a bonus, you can turn off the blood in the game, if that sort of thing bothers you.

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Need for Speed: Rivals

If in doubt, you can never go wrong with buying your child a racing game, unless you have an aversion to luxury cars and fast driving. A lot of games coming out this holiday season, that "Driveclub" and "Forza Horizon 2," to focus primarily sanctioned road races; If your child has a love of Hot Wheels and auto shows, these games are a . perfect fit "Need for Speed Rivals" puts the other hand, the action in more escape the law because of their fast driving, if it makes you uncomfortable, any other racing game released this year, as the fantastic "Mario Kart 8," make great alternatives.

Image courtesy of Electronic ArtsImage courtesy of Electronic Arts(Electronic Arts)

Sunset Overdrive

If in doubt, you can never go wrong with buying your child a racing game, unless you have an aversion to luxury cars and fast driving. A lot of games coming out this holiday season, that "Driveclub" and "Forza Horizon 2" focus primarily sanctioned road races; If your child has a love of Hot Wheels and auto shows, these games are. Perfect Fit "Need for Speed Rivals" puts the other hand, the action in more escape the law because of their fast driving, if it makes you uncomfortable, any other racing game released this year, as the fantastic "Mario Kart 8," make great alternatives.

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Just like Super Mario Bros., in the 80s, "Minecraft" is not just a game: For many children, it's a lifestyle. "Minecraft" is on every conceivable systems with products such as toys and building sets available in each small and large retail chain. The only thing "Minecraft" is not yet a cereal, and can not be far behind that even a movie is in preparation for this franchise. All that is "Minecraft"? It meets Zelda LEGO adventure meets the creation, imagination and responds to video games. The world of "Minecraft" is destructible, allowing the player to rebuild it in any way he or she sees fit. There are dungeons to explore and bosses to win, while the construction of a castle or even a replica of a real-life building. In other words, "Minecraft" is what you want it to be. The fact that the game is basically LEGO means that children were drawn to it and parents have found that resistance is futile. Just keep in mind that online gambling is no "Minecraft," where players can join the other players and see their creations - creations that can be dubious. However, if you keep a close game online habits of your child or simply allow you to play with friends, you will find "Minecraft" is one of the greatest games of treasure.

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Watch Dogs

"Watchdogs" is essentially "Grand Theft Auto V" with a twist: You will always play as an anti-hero, commit crimes, and take down your enemies with righteous fury, but now you do it with the help from hackers. During missions, protagonist Aiden to use their mobile phones to invade other information, change traffic lights to cause a huge pile-up and otherwise transform the environment of the enemies against them. Although "watchdogs" do not go to extremes same in content as "Grand Theft Auto V ', which is still pretty violent Aiden does not pull his punches and the game includes scenes that revolve around trafficking human beings and sexual violence If your child has a Wii U, it is likely that he took a sudden interest in this game due to the fact that it finally sees release in the system. However, if you feel like it is very violent, but I want a game in the same style, try "LEGO City Undercover." You have the same basic gameplay wrapped in a shell of humor rather than violence.


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