Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is the latest entry of the long-running first-person shooter franchise. This time it takes place in a distant future where you __play as Captain Nick Reyes, a Tier 1 Special Operations pilot that must lead his crew in a conflict against the Settlement Defense Front, a hostile military organization vying to take over the entire solar system. With the game launching recently, we've compiled a series of features and and videos detailing all the important details you need to know about it.

For more on Infinite Warfare, check out the news stories below, and be sure to check back often as we update this article with additional news, features, and gameplay videos.

  • Infinite Warfare Review Roundup
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered Is Only Included in Infinite Warfare Collector's Editions
  • Infinite Warfare's YOLO Mode Will Test Your Skills
  • Call of Duty's VR Experience Free to All PS4 Owners, Not Just Infinite Warfare Players

The Review

"By venturing beyond Earth--and not just to other planets, but to space itself--Call of Duty found a canvas to produce its best story in years. It reinforces the notion that a game's narrative is only as good as its characters. Given the campaign's accomplishments in space combat, it's puzzling that no effort was made to replicate its zero-G sensations in Infinite Warfare's multiplayer. Consequently, the well-crafted Zombies mode is a more attractive, time-consuming proposition for those looking to __play with friends. While no Call of Duty game has matched the comprehensive excellence of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the exploits of Reyes and Ethan are at least as memorable and moving as any deeds from “Soap” MacTavish and John Price during from the series' heyday." Miguel Concepcion [full review]

Features and Impressions


  • Does Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Multiplayer Set the Shooter Apart?
  • Zombie Mode Impressions
  • How Infinite Warfare Changed After Its Two Betas
  • What We Know About the Single-Player Campaign


  • 10 Multiplayer Tips for Beginners
  • How to Unlock David Hasselhoff in Zombies Mode

Gameplay Videos

  • Ship Assault Side Mission Gameplay--Here's one of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's ship assault side missions. Authorize Operation D-Con, where your task is to search and destroy a SetDef carrier transporting chemical weapons.
  • Reaper Blade Multiplayer Gameplay--Check out this footage of the Warfighter Rig's lethal Reaper Blade rifle.
  • Fun Moments in Zombie Mode--Fight your way through a zombie infested 80's movie theme park with your friends and a whole lotta guns.
  • Zombie Mode Gameplay--Time to have a bloody good time at the theme park as you and your friends fight off a horde of 80's zombies.

GameSpot Studios: Reclaiming Call of Duty

In this two-part series about Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, we talk with Infinity Ward about its reconstruction, what makes a Call of Duty game, and their new approach to single-player. Watch the first part in the video below and then view the second part where we discusses with Infinity Ward its attempt to set itself apart from other Call of Duty studios.

For the video series, we conducted many more hours of behind-the-scenes interviews, which you can check out in full below:

  • Infinite Warfare's Narrative Director on the Shooter's New Story--Infinity Ward narrative director Taylor Kurosaki discusses the game's story, distinguishing it from other studios' Call of Dutys, and more.
  • Infinite Warfare Studio Head on Rebuilding Infinity Ward--We talk with the head of Infinity Ward, Dave Stohl, about an injection of new blood and changing the way it built the game to allow it do something new.
  • Bringing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to Life Like a Hollywood Action Movie--Infinite Warfare's director of photography explains to us the similarities between video games and live action shooting.
  • How Infinite Warfare Tells a More Personal Story--We discuss with Captain Reyes voice actor Brian Bloom how the game takes multiple inspirations from World War II movies.