Three studios develop Call of Duty titles. Two years ago, it was Sledgehammer Games with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. In 2015, it was Treyarch with Black Ops III. And now, with the release of Infinite Warfare, it's Infinity Ward's turn again.

The studio established the series in 2003 with the original Call of Duty, and modernized the franchise with Modern Warfare in 2007. But in recent years, Infinity Ward has taken somewhat of a tertiary role in the three-studio development cycle.

In the documentary series below, as well as the numerous interviews we conducted during our time at Infinity Ward in Los Angeles, GameSpot explores the reconstruction of the studio in the years following Call of Duty: Ghosts, along with the top-tier talent involved in Infinite Warfare. We also explore the game's World War II roots, and the difficulty of creating a campaign that caters to the Call of Duty faithful, but also breaks the mold. Call of Duty is one of the most ubiquitous franchises in games--in this feature series, we explore the story behind it.

For a more in-depth look at the game itself, you can read our Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare review right here. For a deeper look at behind-the-scenes development, continue below.

  • Bringing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare to Life Like a Hollywood Action Movie
  • How Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Tells a More Personal Story
  • From Uncharted to Call of Duty - Infinite Warfare's Narrative Director on The Shooter's New Story
  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Studio Head on Rebuilding Infinity Ward

Part 1: The New Infinity Ward

A look behind the scenes at Infinity Ward, the studio that began Call of Duty in 2003, modernized it in 2007, and hopes to move out front of the pack again with Infinite Warfare in 2016.

Part 2: A New Story for a New Year

We go in-depth with Infinite Warfare's narrative team on how the shooter's campaign will set it apart from the numerous Call of Duty titles that have come before it.

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