Swery65's Top 10 Games of 2016

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Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro is a __game designer, beverage enthusiast, and Buddhist priest best known for his work on games like Spy Fiction, Deadly Premonition, and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. Though he is currently on hiatus from __game development, his first novel is due out in 2017. You can follow his continuing adventures in drinKING on Instagram and Twitter.

I had a hard time choosing a top ten list this year. This year was a good year for our industry. We saw a major expansion of indies power, and AAA played an active part, as well. Also, I realize that mobile games have demonstrated their ability to be not negligible, and I can fully enjoy the works. In addition to all of that, there was the rise of VR. All VR works are still rough, but this is a technology that I believe leads to the future.

So I had some concern about the difference between me and the majorities. However, I AM SWERY. Please just enjoy my list.

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1. Inside
2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
3. That Dragon, Cancer
4. Firewatch
5. Owlboy
7. Superhot
8. Rusty Lake Hotel
Stardew Valley
10. S.l.M. Sara Is Missing

...Aww I couldn't chose only 10 games.

So... 10 more.

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11. Pokémon Go
12. Virginia
13. VA-11 HALL-A
14. Google Earth VR

15. Peter Panic Act II
16. The Tomorrow Children
17. Overwatch
18. Persona 5
19. The Unspoken

Also, about No Man's Sky. The idea of ​​this game was very innovative. I really expect to see great expansion in the future...

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And also, of course a special choice,

The Last Guardian

Note : This list was made on December 1, 2016.

Thank you.

I Love you all!!

Filed under:
Hidetaka Suehiro
Rusty Lake Hotel
The Unspoken
Clash Royale
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Pokémon Go
That Dragon, Cancer
The Tomorrow Children
Stardew Valley
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
No Man's Sky
Persona 5
game of the Year 2016