Deadly Premonition's Swery65 Retires From Access Games

Deadly Premonition director Hidetaka Suehiro, better known as Swery65, has announced his departure from Access Games. This news comes a year after he announced a "short break" from game development due to health problems.

Swery shared the development on Twitter, stating, "Day 360, unfortunately I retired from Access Games after all. However don't worry, because my health condition is getting [to] be fine. Love you!"

The Deadly Premonition image accompanying Swery
The Deadly Premonition image accompanying Swery's tweet

Last November, Swery revealed he would put his game development career on hold to recover from reactive hypoglycemia. "I'm already slow enough at making games as it is, and I feel like all I ever do is make my fans wait... But I've decided that I need to take a rest here, so that I can hopefully continue to make games in the future."

He also added at the time, "When I recover from my illness, I'm going to do my best to make games that are better and more awesome than ever before!"

It's unclear what his plans are now that he's parted ways with Access Games, though he did recently share a photo of himself for the upcoming Men of Game Development calendar. In response to a tweet today, he said, "I hope I will be back. Because I AM SWERY65."

Aside from Deadly Premonition, Swery has also worked on games like Tomba 2, Spy Fiction, Lord of Arcana and, most recently, D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. If you've never played it and are looking for what's essentially the video game version of Twin Peaks, Deadly Premonition is currently on sale in Steam's Halloween sale for $2.49.