Mass Effect Andromeda Release Date Possibly Revealed by Art Book Listing

Even though we still know very little about the game itself, we've had a three-month window for the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda for quite some time. We may now finally know the exact release date, thanks to details of an Amazon listing.

That listing is not for the game itself, but rather Dark Horse Comics' tie-in art book, The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda. As noticed by Destructoid, the book carries a release date of March 21, 2017, and part of its description notes that it will release "simultaneously with the game."

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After planning to launch the game in 2016, EA delayed Andromeda, only saying it would now be released during its fourth fiscal quarter, which spans January through March. Earlier this year, a delay until "early 2017" was confirmed by BioWare, explaining that it "need[s] the right amount of time to make sure [it] deliver[s] everything the game can be and should be."

With a release just months away, EA and BioWare have begun to pull back the curtain a little. At the PlayStation Meeting in September, we got our best look at Andromeda gameplay yet. They also revealed that the male and female characters both exist in the in-game world and are siblings.

A new trailer is on the way on November 7--or N7 Day, a celebration of the series--when BioWare has said it will "officially open the doors to the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe."