PlayStation VR Review Roundup

PlayStation VR isn't out for another week or so, but reviews of the virtual reality headset have started to come in. So far, the critical reception has been generally positive, though some critics feel it might be best to wait until more games are released.

Sony's VR headset costs $400, but you'll need two PlayStation Move controllers and the PS4's camera to take full advantage of the technology. There are games and experiences that you don't need the Move controllers for, but if you want the full experience, there's a $500 bundle that includes everything you'll need, as well as minigame compilation PlayStation VR Worlds. Additionally, the PS4 Pro that launches in November is said to improve the overall experience, but we aren't able to confirm exactly how at this moment.

We've collected a series of editor opinions and review scores from around the internet and compiled them into an easy-to-read list below. To find out what GameSpot thinks about some of PlayStation VR's games, you can read our reviews through the links below.

PlayStation VR Game Reviews

  • Batman: Arkham VR Review
  • PlayStation VR Worlds Review
  • SuperHyperCube Review
  • Thumper Review
  • Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Review

PlayStation VR Information

  • Device: PlayStation VR
  • Developer: Sony
  • Price: $400-500
  • Release Date: October 13


"As a VR fan, I want PS VR to succeed, but it trips up too many times to wholeheartedly recommend at this point. Many of the launch titles will make a large percentage of people sick, and it may lead to the false impression that VR has to make you nauseated. If you have a PS4 and are dying to get PS VR, then I’d recommend the $499.99 bundle which includes the PlayStation Camera, two Move controllers, and PlayStation VR Worlds. If you have a PS4 and are simply curious about VR, I’d hold out until more titles are released. While there are a handful of fun titles, there’s nothing that I’ve played at launch so far to indicate to me that the PS VR is a must-buy right now. For everyone else, I’d recommend saving up for a better reality." -- Jimmy Thang [full review]

CNET -- 3.5/5

"Do you need a PS VR? Of course not. But it definitely elevates the standard PS4 experience to a whole new level. There is absolutely something remarkable about trying it for the first time. While it's the cheapest full VR around, it doesn't change the fact that it's still an expensive luxury. Sony has done a commendable job at ensuring a promising future for the platform, but there's no absolute guarantee this will remain endlessly supported. ... If you want game console virtual reality right now, the PlayStation VR is your only choice. And it's a pretty great one." -- Jeff Bakalar [full review]

The Verge -- 8.5/10

"I don't want PlayStation VR to become the only headset that people build for; it's just not ambitious enough. But even this early in the game, Sony is providing a home for interesting, low-key experiences that highlight some of the medium's strengths. More than any single piece of cutting-edge technology, the key to making VR succeed is just getting more people to use VR. And with PlayStation VR, Sony has just made that a lot easier." -- Adi Robertson [full review]

IGN -- 8.5/10

"Sony has managed to make its lower-priced PlayStation VR headset competitive where it counts. Despite its relatively low resolution it looks very good in games, and the headset is comfortable to wear and easy to use after you’ve dealt with its many wires. Paired with the Move controllers it provides good but sometimes flakey motion tracking on your hands, but the PlayStation Camera's limited viewing angle is a weakness, and so is its inability to see behind you." -- Dan Stapleton [full review]

Digital Trends -- 4/5

"Even with everything it does to make virtual reality more accessible and affordable, PlayStation VR isn't for everyone. It's still several hundred dollars, requires a fair amount of set-up, and there are still only a handful of games that run smoothly, with no technical issues. But if you haven't used VR much, the PlayStation VR will blow you away. It will make you feel like you're moving while you're standing still, and turn your living room into faraway worlds. If you want to try full VR in your home, PlayStation VR will do that for you for the best price. You may not be able to walk around freely in virtual reality like you can on the HTC Vive, but that doesn't make [it] any less satisfying." -- Mike Epstein [full review]


"If you want to experience a VR world beyond what mobile offerings like Google Cardboard and Gear VR provide, then save up your pennies. This is the VR system for people looking to take the next step into a virtual world." -- Alex Cranz [full review]

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"[W]hile nothing about the PS VR can be said to be better than the headsets that Oculus and HTC turned out earlier this year--other than ergonomics--that's not what matters. Not at all, in fact. What matters is that this thing works in your living room. What matters is that it's comfortable, immersive, and intuitive. What matters is that it invites people to see what you're doing, even participate in what you're doing (which it does, via asymmetric games like VR Playroom—which is free, and might just turn out to be the Wii Games of the platform.) What matters is that, while it's not cheap by any stretch, it's at $400, a not-out-of-the-realm-of-possibility purchase for holiday presents, high school kids with jobs, and people who already have a PS4 and want to see what the fuss is about. The PS VR does all those things, and does them well. So no, despite my own predictions back in January, we can't know if this thing is going to be a Wii. But we do know what it’s not going to be--and that's a Virtual Boy." -- Peter Rubin [full review]


"PlayStation VR is inferior to the competition in several significant ways. It's also less expensive and easier to use, and for all its flaws it still manages to communicate the goofy, surreal joy of modern virtual reality. Time will tell if that makes it good enough. Best to wait and see." -- Kirk Hamilton [full review]