Forza Motorsport 6 Will Be A Video Game Someday

I sat next to a dude from Ford at the Microsoft E3 press conference a few years back. Seemed like a nice person, and as far as I could grasp, he was basically Ford's "game guy," making sure that the brand is well-represented in games and protecting it from... I don't know, rogue Chevy enthusiasts or something. Hot brand synergies don't just happen all by themselves, people.

I have nothing left to add to that amazing anecdote, but seeing that the Ford Twitter account was the place to state that Forza Motorsport 6 was going to be available at some point in the near-future made me think of him. Oh, by the way, there's going to be a Forza Motorsport 6. Ford's new 2017 Ford GT is going to be on the cover and in the game. The car was officially unveiled today at the North American International Auto Show and will be sold in the back half of 2016 for more money than you probably want to spend on a car. The game has no announced release date (but we're probably looking at Q4 2015).

The other newly announced Fords, the Shelby GT350 Mustang and the F-150 Raptor, will also appear in the game. As a former Mustang owner, I damn near bought another one when I was car shopping a couple of years ago. I like the look of the modern Mustang, they've sleeked it up a bit compared to the '97 GT I drove for over a decade. But I couldn't double down on the Mustang after that long. Needed a change, ya know?

Anyway, here's a short video that Microsoft put out to confirm the news itself, complete with a confused-looking dude in the cockpit of one for a brief second.

The press release that slid out alongside this video confirms the game as being "exclusively for Xbox One" and that gameplay will be shown at E3 this year, but the rest of the release is full of the same sort of big talk about car lovers and gamers and the intersection between the two that you've heard out of them for the past few games. As someone who came away from Turn 10's last game more than a little disappointed, I'd hope that there's more planned for Forza 6 than continuing to double down on the same talk.

Forza Motorsport 6
post from sitemap