Sony Surprised by Bloodborne's Success

The stellar performance of Bloodborne, From Software's recently released PlayStation 4 exclusive, came as a pleasant surprise to Sony, according to SCE boss Feral Gara.

"It did surprise us," Gara told . "We had expectations to do well. We looked at the Souls series as a frame of reference, and we thought we could do better than that. We did – and then some. Relative to some of our sister territories, we were being quite ambitious, but even that proved to be conservative.

"I think Bloodborne might have just landed just at the right time; it was a relatively quiet time, it was a very high quality title and a great platform differentiator for us," he continued. "We were caught a little bit behind in terms of the volume, but we were able to chase it and maximise its potential."

Last month, , less than two weeks after its release on March 24. Considering the game's release on a single platform and its notorious difficulty, that is quite a feat.

We were quite smitten with From Software's PlayStation 4 exclusive. Find out why by reading Brandin Tyrrel's .

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