Hey, It's A Membership Sale! And A New Shirt!

Hey everyone! It's been a while since we've run a membership sale, so in celebration of the Big Live Live Show: Live, we're going to be running one for the next week. If you're a brand-new Premium member, you can sign up for the bargain introductory price of $29.95 (will revert to $35 tomorrow); existing members can add a year to their subscription for $35 even, over here. That price will also apply to new members attempting to sign up after today's promotion ends. Head on over to the upgrade page to find the relevant links or you can go straight to the yearly extension page right here if you already have an account.

Note that we had some issues with extensions this morning. If you already tried to extend and ran into any problems, drop me a line at support@giantbomb.com and we'll get you sorted out. Most likely what happened is that your transaction was declined and you'll want to try again! I'm already getting a bunch of emails, though, so unfortunately responses may take some time to get out to you. Like I said, the sale will last into next week, so hopefully a little delay won't affect you too badly. You can also post in the bug reporting forum and we'll try to get you checked out.

We are still working on integrating Paypal into our on-site payment system; in the meantime, you can find a Paypal option on our store over here. Keep in mind that all of those subscriptions have to be hooked up manually, so, as with the support emails, you can expect a bit of a delay before I manage to hook you up. Sorry; there's only one of me. I'll hopefully get to everyone by the end of the week.

If you want to buy a gift subscription for a friend, your best bet is to buy a Paypal membership and let me know the username of the friend you're buying it for . Otherwise, email me and we'll get it sorted out.

Speaking of the store: new shirt! Blacker than the blackest black, redder than the blood moon under which the beast was birthed, this metal-tinged Luchadeer t-shirt goes all the way to 10 (because volume knobs do not actually go to 11). . If you order a bunch of shirts with a

You can pick that up over in our store. If you missed the Giant Bomb Reactor shirt or the Sneaking Shirt, those are both back in stock as well.

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