Game of the Year 2014: One Last Thing

Hey, one last Game of the Year thing before we sign off for the rest of 2014. JV and DLeazy hooked up in Chicago to lay down a little lyrical magic about the year in video games. Here's what JV had to say about this...

"Instead of doing a typical top 10 list this year, Dave and I drank a bottle of rum and recorded this song for you guys. We think it is pretty stupid and hope you do, too. :-)

...And special thanks to Justin who let us use one of the beats he did for Ballers back-in-the-day. You are, and will always be, one of the most talented producers in Hip Hop.

So there you go. Johnny V and Lang finishing it off with a Just Blaze beat. Classic material.

I just want to say thanks to everyone who contributed to our guest lists this year, and thanks again to Alex for corralling it all. We tried to make some unexpected moves with the lists this year while also sticking to some of the past favorites. Hopefully people dug it. And, of course, thanks to Jason, Drew, and Vinny for handling the production on our videos. Hope everyone liked those, it was fun to put that stuff together. Oh, and thanks to Brad for handling all those podcasts. Those things can be monsters. Thanks to Patrick and his future employer for sticking it out with us over this last stretch here to get the Game of the Year stuff finished up, too. And thanks to you all for listening and watching. Have a great rest of the year, everyone, and let's get it in 2015!

John Vignocchi
Dave Lang
Game of the Year 2014
Just Blaze
post from sitemap