This is the New Guitar Hero Live Guitar

Hey, so we'll have more to say about Guitar Hero Live on this week's podcast (which will be up later today), but here's the new game's new guitar peripheral.

I would have preferred a close-up of the fret board, but there you go. The frets are what makes this game different. It's a three-by-two configuration that represents itself with black on-screen indicators for one side and white ones for the other. This escalates into having to hit both sides of the fret board at the same time, which actually creates more realistic-feeling chord shapes with your left hand. We got a chance to play around with it (and a build of the game) recently and it's surprisingly cool.

Here's an example of what the game looks like when you're actually playing it. Yeah, Guitar Hero Live is kind of an FMV game. Can't say I saw that coming. Anyway, once you see the guitar, the white and black on-screen prompts should make a lot more sense.

Guitar Hero Live
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