Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week. To say that the week was dour in tone is a massive understatement. With last Friday marking the final day in which Austin would function as a member of the Giant Bomb team many users expressed their thanks for the man this week. It goes without saying that we are all grateful for his time and contributions with this community. For that, we are all eternally grateful to him. With that let us move onto the site housekeeping from this week.
(By: )
AgnosticSalmon has animated Austin’s “dramatic” reading of some Stellaris beef during the Beastcast. It is as wonderful as you might expect.
(By: @auzurafi)
auzurafi was able to animate the Giant Beastcast's hilarious conversation about Minions! Re-live the hilarity and give him input on how to make his animated clips better in the future!
(By: @kevslider)
Giant Bomb user KevSlider created this funny tribute video of Austin's funniest on-camera moments, and yes that does include him breaking into a groove.
(By: @clagnaught)
Once again many thanks are in store for clagnaught for taking the time to compile another batch of hilarious moments from Giant Bomb classic Endurance Run for Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4!
(By: Numerous)
Holy CRAP! This week I must have seen about a dozen different Giant Bomb themed Roundabout videos. Instead of compiling all of them I link the best two that I saw right here:
(By: keithstack)
Austin's final week, as well as the latest Beastcast, inspired keithstack to create this work of art in tribute to Professa Killah.
(By: @grayfoxbr)
grayfoxbr says "see you space cowboy..." to Austin with this fun little photoshop work.

(By: @secretcat)
secretcat felt inspired to create this pixel art banner featuring the Giant Bomb staff, Austin included.

(By: @supernormalstep)
Art prodigy SupernormalStep has finally created Persona 4 portraits for everyone's favorite grumpy dad, Jeff Bakalar.

(By: @demoskinos)
Summer Games Done Quick is drawing NIGH! That means that our community group is back to help raise money for the charity drive! Learn how you can help the effort by clicking the link above!

(By: @joe_mccallister)
Joe_McCallister shares his impressions of Microsoft's and Sony's E3 press conferences and which of the two resonated with him the most.
& (By: @darth_navster)
Darth_Navster comments on the numbing feeling thatDepression Quest gave him which miraculously motivated him to see the game through to the very end. Earlier this week Darth_Navster also shared why he appreciated Until Dawn's use of characters with conflicting priorities.
(By: @ethanblows)
ethanblows comments on the big and small games from E3 2016 he is most excited for on his latest blog over here.
(By: @riostarwind)
riostarwind's retrospective on the years of gaming he has lived through, and enjoyed, continues with an examination of 2012.
(By: @majormitch)
MajorMitch is starting a retrospective blog on the Metroid franchise, and how various entries have deeply resonated with him.
(By: @gamer_152)
Moderator Gamer_152 uses his latest blog to highlight why he greatly appreciated Austin's contributions and opinions on Giant Bomb on this heartfelt and touching blog post.

(By: @asmo917)
Asmo917 wraps up the last week with a comprehensive look at what he thought were the biggest highlights from E3 2016.
(By: @kamui)
Kamui questions the positive and negative impacts that the Scorpio and Neo could have on the games industry.
(By: @mento)
Mento completed his in-depth look at the episodic Dreamfall Chapters, continuing from his coverage last month, as well as his usual end-of-the-week summary of his wiki work and played games.
(By: @poveren)

The looming behemoth that is the 2016 Summer Steam Sale is finally here. Comment on the deals that you have snapped up, as well as any deals you think others may have overlooked.
(By: @bigsteve33)
Speaking of the Steam Summer Sale, do you still have a smattering of games that you bought from previous sales that have gone unplayed? Share your "pile of shame," from previous fire sales over here!
(By: @themanwithnoplan)
Steam isn't the only service that is celebrating a massive summer fire sale. The Oculus Rift has a myriad of its games heavily discounted until July 5th, and you can see what they are on this incredibly helpful thread.

(By: @belegorm)
Bloodstained already has a playable demo for Kickstarter backers! If you are one of them feel free to share your impressions with it over here!
(By: @wallee321)
Now that E3 2016 is over what are the impending game releases that you are most excited about for this year?
(By: @mrfizzy)
Is Battlefield 1's lack of historical accuracy an asset or hindrance to your enjoyment of it? Feel free to share your take with the rest of the community!
(By: @dudeglove)

What are your thoughts related to the Neo Tokyo update for Rocket League? Whether it be positive or negative you are welcomed to share your impression of it here.
(By: @bwheeeler)
Drawful 2 is out for everyone's enjoyment! How has the game and its community been treating you?
(By: @monkeyking1969)
We all can probably think of games that warrant a sequel or reboot, so running with that concept MonkeyKing1969 created this list of the nine games he would love to revisit.
(By: @elyk247)
Elyk247 couldn't limit himself to just ten, so instead he created a list of twelve games from E3 2016 he's excited about.
(By: @theht)
TheHT took the time to create this list of ten games from E3 that he suspects won't let him down when they finally release.

It's the crap-show that everyone is talking about! Learn more about what exactly happened to the game's Kickstarter on our wiki page
Is this a marriage of bliss or a heaping trash fire? Learn more about the pleasurable oddity of the week, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, on our wiki page.
- Austin Walker
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
- E3 2016
- Until Dawn
- Metroid
- Xbox One
- Dreamfall Chapters
- Steam
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Battlefield 1
- Rocket League
- Drawful 2
- VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
- Assault Android Cactus
- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
- Trials of the Blood Dragon
- Mirror's Edge Catalyst
- Mighty No. 9
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE