Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week! Well the doldrums of Summer are officially here as the "Summer Game Drought" strikes again! For those of you that missed the announcements during the 7/1/2016 UPF the site will be running a bit of a skeleton crew this week due to multiple staff going on vacation. Rorie, Drew, and Jason will all be going on trips this week. Giant Bomb East will also be taking a sabbatical in that they will produce a Beastcast, and then proceeding to take a wonderful break. That aside the community has been up to wonderful things so let's drive right into the housekeeping!
(By: )
This video is downright touching and is the video to watch if you only can watch one! Learn all about the heartwarming tale of a humble man trying to pay tribute to his family and Giant Bomb in the form of signs.
(By: @mepsipax)
Mepsipax heard your demands, so here's a supercut of every single one of Vinny's deaths in Castlevania: Bloodlines!
(By: @grulet)
It's the meme that just refuses to die! If you ever wanted to watch a Roundabout x Giant Bomb video that ends with Ryan shouting "" here you go!
(By: @johnymyko)
User JohnyMyko whipped up a few quick illustrations of Dan's latest persona, "Scorpio Ryckert" that you can marvel over and praise!

(By: )
Inspired by the Bombcast conversation about pizza buffets, Dean Bowling on Twitter envisioned Dan as Cicis Pizza’s next spokesperson!

(By: @thegrumpskin)
Giant Bomb user thegrumpskin went and photoshopped an old magazine advertisement for the ORIGINAL Mario Party game to include the staff. Look at how enthusiastic everyone looks!

(By: @demoskinos)
Summer Games Done Quick is HERE! Help out the Community Group to raise money for charity!
(By: @mvp1101)
We now have a Giant Bomb community alliance for Marvel Future Fight that you can join right now!

(By: @aiomon)
aiomon wrote an essay about Hamlet (by Shakespeare) and how it, paired with video games, show that having control over your own fate is the single most important thing to a human.
(By: @cav829)
Cav829 gives you a play-by-play breakdown of Zero Time Dilemma's troubled launch, and the poor impression that it makes for the game, on his latest blog.
(By: @mooseymcman)
E3 2016 as well as Ratchet & Clank dominate MooseyMcMan's extensive write up on the week that was.
& (By: @mento)
Moderator Mento is getting ready for Summer the only way he knows, by starting and completing a new Wiki Project! Read all about the sanity-reducing affair to get all of SGDQ 2016's games on the wiki! Mento is also back with a new Sunday Summary on his great activities on the GB wiki, and personal gaming catalog.
(By: @xxizzypop)
xxizzypop recently picked up the early access game, House of the Dying Sun, and shares his experiences with it on his detailed blog post about the game.
(By: @y2ken)

Y2Ken wrote a blog on the ten games from E3 2016 he's most excited to eventually play in person, and welcomes you to join him.
(By: @darth_navster)
If you don't mind spoilers check out Darth_Navster's fantasticly exhaustive blog about Firewatch and its depiction of isolation. Darth_Navster also spins the long tale of his gaming backlog, as well as how he plans on dealing with it.
(By: @riostarwind)
riostarwind takes you back to 2013 on his latest personal retrospective blog post on his gaming through the years.
(By: @majormitch)
MajorMitch's second retrospective blog on the Metroid series explores its longstanding relationship with adventure, and why it is a critical part to his enjoyment of the series.
(By: @ewansuttie)

EwanSuttie talks about the inherent joys and pains he experienced while playing Pocket Card Jockey obsessively over the last month.
(By: @bdhurkett)
bdhurkett shares his quest to uninstall games on his harddrive that he knows he'll never play. The struggle is real.
(By: @donchipotle)
DonChipotle shares what he believes is the main appeal of VA-11 Hall-A for him, as well as the majesty of simplicity, on his latest blog over here.
(By: @zombiepie)
Here's a twenty seven page essay on the ending to Disc One of Final Fantasy VII...only a crazy person would read it. This is clearly a call for help by the author.

(By: @adequatelyprepared)
How has Overwatch's new and shiny Ranked Mode been treating you? Share your experiences with it, both good and bad, over here!
(By: @kreeztoff)
What are your theories and major takeaways from Inside? Feel free to share them on our community SPOILER discussion thread for the game.
(By: @thelastgunslinger)
Speaking of Inside, and it's a bit of a "cop out," but we do have a puzzle help thread for the game. Ask for help on any puzzles that have you absolutely stumped.
(By: @beforet)
So Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem fans, how are you liking Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE? Join the community discussion on whether or not the game honors both of its influences.
(By: @quid_pro_bono)
By the way, if you have been playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE please join our community "Tips, Tricks, and Questions Thread!" Feel free to yelp for help, or provide assistance to desperate users.
(By: @arbitrarywater)
What is your gut reaction to the System Shock 1 Kickstarter? Is this a great way to rejuvenate the franchise, or are backers doomed for disappointment?
(By: @elixirbronze)
Have any of you purchased and played Asemblance? Join our community discussion for the game over here.
Learn more about everyone's favorite robot beverage serving simulator...wait what?
The Technomancer recently came out and you can learn more about it mechanics and gameplay on our wiki page for the game.
- Pizza
- Castlevania: Bloodlines
- Mario Party
- Zero Time Dilemma
- Ratchet & Clank
- Dreamfall Chapters
- Tales of Xillia
- House of the Dying Sun
- Firewatch
- Metroid
- Pocket Card Jockey
- VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
- Final Fantasy VII
- Overwatch
- Inside
- Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
- System Shock
- The Technomancer
- Mirror's Edge Catalyst
- The Elder Scrolls Online