Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week. We had an oddly encouraging trend this week when you look at the best that the Giant Bomb Community had to offer: . Whether it applies to trying to raise money for charity, helping newcomers enter the intimidating world of Destiny, or finally advising how players can become better healers in Overwatch; there was honest feeling of sincerity this week. All I can say is keep that up Giant Bomb, because that's what we all want to see on the site! Anyways, let's review the site-related housekeeping this week:
(By: @lackingsaint)
LackingSaint returns with a quick, but hilarious, animated Giant Bomb video of Brad's Hitman based singing.
(By: @clagnaught)
Clagnaught's latest "Best of Giant Bomb's Persona 4 Endurance Run" video reminds you of the hard turnShin Megami Tensei: Persona 4's story takes at the end.

(By: @sushix)
We now have a Giant Bomb Forza Race Night group for Forza Horizon 3! Learn how you too can join the fun every Thursday!
(By: @adosegnaro)
Are you excited for Forza Horizon 3? Post your GamerTag over here, and be able to play the game with Giant Bomb users on the first day.
(By: @hestilllives19)
I'm going to drop a link to this again as a friendly reminder to any users that are wondering about which community Destiny clans are open to join for Rise of Iron.
(By: @jlighthall)
Giant Bomb user JLighthall has created a 2016/2017 GB community fantasy NHL group! Click that link and participate in some stick based shenanigans.
(By: @lackingsaint)
Here are a handful of animation cells that LackingSaint posted to show you the painstaking detail he put into his latest animated Giant Bomb video.

(By: @hestilllives19)
Are you interested in jumping back into Destiny in light of its latest expansion? Then check out Hestilllives19's guide on the best PvE & PvP weapons in Destiny right now for Rise of Iron, as well as his guide on the most effective leveling strategies in the game right now.
(By: @cav829)
Cav829 has a new "intermediate" Overwatch guide for Zenyatta and Ana worth checking if you are looking to improve your game beyond that of the average peon.
(By: @mikelemmer)
MikeLemmer wrote a blog for every day of the week. Stop and think about that for a moment. Every day he was either updating you on his foray into RimWorld, Puzzle Pirates, and/or Overcooked!. The least you could do is read one of his blogs from the week.
(By: @sarumarine)
Sarumarine ended up playing his fair share of Payday 2this last week and you can discover what about the game drew him in, and why he feels as if he's missing out on a part of the game.
(By: @zombiepie)
Here's a thirty-three page essay, written by a stupid idiot by the way, on the final act and lasting legacy of Final Fantasy VII. .
(By: @theflamingo352)
TheFlamingo352 continues his efforts to improve his writing with a blog on morality systems, as well as why he thinks morality bars get a bad rap in the video game industry.
(By: @jjweatherman)
NBA 2K17 is here, and you can read all about the game modes, mechanical changes, and overall production quality in the game on JJWeatherman's latest blog.
(By: @chaser324)
The second part of Chaser324's folly of trying to rank scientifically every import racing game is up. This week is all about the wonderful world of Kamen Rider, which apparently lends itself well to racing games... I think?
(By: @majormitch)
MajorMitch ticked off a myriad of games from his backlog ranging from The Order: 1886 to Hohokum. Check out his blog to see which ones you should play over here.
& (By: @mento)
Couple of blogs from moderator Mento this week. The first looks at the impact of GBEast's favorite game Shenmue and those that build on its attempt to create a believable living world, while the second is his usual weekly update on his wiki activities, games he's played and thoughts on the week's new releases.

(By: @theht)
Many of you have already sunk in dozens of hours intoDestiny's latest expansion, Rise of Iron, so why not share what your early or formative impressions of what you have played? That doesn't sound too far-fetched!
(By: @geekdown)
It's the indie thriller game that has a good amount of buzz surrounding it, and you are welcome to join the community in discussing your thoughts and impressions of it over here.
(By: @dudacles)
Did you end up importing a copy of Persona 5 last week? Well you would be, unsurprisingly I might add, in pleasant company! Feel free to discuss the story, gameplay, characters, and even spoilers on this thread.

(By: @davequirky)
Have you ever found yourself buying games just to support the developers? If so share and discuss your examples of video game altruism.
(By: @snail)
Is Handibot, from the VR extravaganza Rec Room, a Human or a Robot? Vote and discuss the topic that has drawn practical battle lines within the Giant Bomb community this week. We're fairly sure he's not a sandwich, at least.
(By: @mrcraggle)

What are your impressions of Shadow Lords in Killer Instinct? The Giant Bomb Killer Instinct community, andDave Lang, welcome you to share your thoughts pertaining to it.
(By: @dylanintendisney)
dylanintendisney's latest list examines the most notable irredeemable villains in video game history that truly define the word "."
Forza Horizon 3
It's cars, trucks, and dune buggies this week as everyone revs their engines up for the latest entry in the Forza Horizon franchise.
Everyone's favorite time sink has returned with a new expansion, Rise of Iron, that is sure to cause many of you to experience a sleepless night or several trying to complete raids and multiplayer instances. Feel free to check out its wiki page to read all about the many updates to the game.
- Forza Horizon 3
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
- Destiny
- NHL 17
- Overwatch
- RimWorld
- Puzzle Pirates
- Overcooked!
- Payday 2
- Final Fantasy VII
- NBA 2K17
- Hohokum
- Persona 5
- Killer Instinct
- Teeny Titans
- Attack on Titan
- Lovely Planet Arcade
- Nuclear Throne