Hello and welcome to another wonderful edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host this week. Now, before we move onto the latest site related news or summary on the best offerings of the Giant bomb Community let's briefly touch upon on major bit of news. Dan will be at the New York offices for about a month. He will eventually return to the San Francisco office after PAX West (September 2nd-5th). So with that hopefully we can all take a sigh of relief and enjoy the fun happenings that graced this site this week.
- The Giant Bomb Racing Team for iRacing.com will be competing in the 24 Hours of Spa event! They will be streaming their performance over here!
- @sparky_buzzsaw is unfortunately leaving the Giant Bomb moderation team. You can read why on his latest blog, and wish him the best in his future endeavors.
Clip(s) of the Week
[OC] Stranger Duders of Giant Bomb (By: @zuffdaddy)
zuffdaddy created this AWESOME Stranger Things themed Giant Bomb television intro titled "Stranger Duders of Giant Bomb!" He's also taking requests for future videos if you comment on the thread above!
Jeff Speaks Swedish (w/ Subtitles) (By: @mepsipax)
Mepsipax took the time to translate the Swedish that Jeff spoke during an old mailbag that featured mulled wine. Apparently Jeff did a surprisingly good job at speaking Swedish coherently.
Giant Bomb Galleria
Bombcast Sketches (By: morehandclaps)
On Tumblr morehandclaps managed to whip a number of impressive Giant Bomb themed sketches that were inspired by recent episode of the Bombcast.

Giant Bomb Suicide Squad (By: @fobwashed)
Regardless of what your thoughts may be related to the movie many thanks are in store for Fobwashed for creating this AWESOME poster!

Vinny Shakes Flat (By: @a_koala)
a_Koala created an animated .gif of Vinny as a booty waving character from Human: Fall Flat. I love our community!

HitBrad (By: @kentpaul)
Giant Bomb user KentPaul is so excited to see Dan and Brad play Hitman Episode 4 that he made this banner for the Bangkok chapter.

Giant Brazzers (By: @kawiji)
This photoshop by kawiji was bound to happen eventually...but it STILL AIN'T RIGHT I TELL YOU!

Community Activities
Giant ROM 3 - The Giant Bomb Game Jam Once Again (By: @havochq)
The Giant Bomb Community Game Jam has officially started! You have until 14th of August to submit a game which everyone in the community can enjoy!
Best of Blogs

Clearing The Backlog Or: How I Learned To Accept Frugality (By: @sloppydetective)
SloppyDetective discusses how and why his backlog developed as well as his plans for eliminating it over the next couple of months.
Metroid and Me, Part 7: Solitude (By: @majormitch)
The final part of MajorMitch's series on the Metroid franchise examines its use of isolation with its environments.
Mento Gear Solid V: The Fandom's Pain: Part 1 & Sunday Summaries 07/31/2016: Stardew Valley & Cibele (By: @mento)
Giant Bomb moderator Mento has started a new blog series where he attempts to piece together the final chapter in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. You can also read all about his efforts on the Giant Bomb wiki as well as with Cibele.
Preview: We Happy Few (By: @stordoff)

stordoff shares his initial impressions pertaining to We Happy Few from what he has played of the game's Xbox One Game Preview build.
Fighting Final Fantasy VII - Parts 90-120: I Have Questions About This Game...I Have So Many Questions (By: @zombiepie)
Here's a 25 page essay on the first half of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII that no sane person would ever read written by a crazed man that needs to get outside more.
Batman Telltale Series (By: @raidendelta)
raidendelta reviews and discusses the first episode of Batman: A Telltale Games Series, and why it is a great game for any Batman fan, on his latest blog.
The Asian Approach to VR (By: @darkbeatdk)
DarkbeatDK shares the curiosity that he has regarding how Asian developers will try to tap into and explore Virtual Reality games.
Join the Discussion

Who Should've Won Double Agent: The Broker? [Poll Included] (By: @themasterds)
It is the poll and discussion thread that Dan has practically been begging for! Based on the judging criteria that Dan set up, who do YOU think won on the first episode of Double Agents?
Hitman Episode 4 - Bangkok Dangerous (By: @grulet)
How excited are you to play Hitman Episode 4? Discuss what you hope to see in Bangkok with the rest of the Giant Bomb Hitman community!
What Would It Take For No Man's Sky To Be A Success To You? (By: @darkmoney52)
What do you hope to get out of No Man's Sky? Share you answers as well as what it would would take for No Man's Sky to be a success to you on our discussion thread.

Lucioball & Olympic Lootboxes Discussion Thread (By: @adequatelyprepared)
What are your thoughts about Overwatch's Olympic themed event and loot boxes? Share if you think Lucioball is worthy carrying Overwatch's Olympic torch!
Abzû Discussion Thread (By: @grulet)
The underwater exploration game, Abzû, has recently been released! Have you been having a ball under the sea, or struggling to tread water?
One Night in Karazhan Card Discussion (By: @quid_pro_bono)
So, Hearthstone players, what are your impressions of the One Night in Karazhan expansion? Tell me all about your tier lists for the latest expansion.

What Do People Think Of The New Xbox One System Update? (By: @bigsocrates)
What has your impression been of the new Xbox One system update? Vote and share if you feel like the update is a step forward or backward.
Franchises That Took The Most Iterations To Reach Their Potential? (By: @beachthunder)
In your opinion which video game franchises took the most iterations to reach their potential? From Assassin's Creed to Final Fantasy, share which franchise you think was a bit of a "late bloomer."
Lovable Lists
Every Game I Have 100% Completed (By: @therebeloftherebellion)
Completing everything there is to accomplish in a game is no easy task, and this week TheRebeloftheRebellion took the time to list the eleven games he has managed to complete 100%.
Useful User Reviews
- @stordoff's review of Coffin Dodgers explains why the game fails to elevate a fun and quaint concept.
- @stordoff's review of Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space indicates why you should avoid the game at all costs
Wonderful Wikis
Tricky Towers
It is the Tetris derivative that has the community BUZZING ever since its appearance on UPF! Learn all about its modes and history!
- Filed under:
- Sweden
- iRacing.com
- Human: Fall Flat
- Hitman
- Metroid
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Cibele
- We Happy Few
- Final Fantasy VII
- Batman: The Telltale Series
- No Man's Sky
- Abzû
- Overwatch
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
- Assassin's Creed
- Final Fantasy
- Coffin Dodgers
- Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space
- Tricky Towers